Sunday Morning & Daily Zoom Meditations
There is no registration required. Click here to join a meditation:
Zoom Meeting Name: Tri-State Dharma Sitting Group
Meeting ID: 944 788 594
Passcode: 123
Sunday Mornings
9:30 Sitting Meditation
10:00 A Buddhist Reading or Bell – end the sitting meditation Five minute break
10:05 Presentation of a teaching or reading, group discussion
Click the button below to see this Sunday’s topic.
11:00 Close session
Dharma Talk for Sunday,April 6th, 2025 Warrior Knowledge by Thanisarro Bhikkhu
Please join us on Sunday!
Monday - Saturday Mornings
To allow people to sit for as long as they wish, there is no starting bell. You come in muted, so please stay that way and join quietly.
Join at 8:30 if you wish to sit for an hour. Join at 8:45 if you wish to sit 45 minutes. Join at 9:00 if you wish to sit a half hour. Join when works for you.
There will be an ending bell at 9:30 am.
Sunday - Friday Evenings
9:00 to 9:30
Join earlier if you wish to meditate longer than 1/2 hour.