Other Area Groups
Other Cincinnati Area Buddhist Meditation Centers:
Cincinnati Dharma Center – CincinnatiDharma.org
Cincinnati Zen Center – cincinnatizencenter.org
Other Buddhist Centers in Ohio:
The Yellow Springs Dharma Center
Sitting Groups in or near the Tri-State:
Louisville Vipassana Community – Mondays, 6-8:30 p.m. at Clifton Unitarian Church, 2231 Payne Street in Louisville, KY. Both experienced practitioners and beginners are welcome.
Contact person: Glenda Hodges-Cook, (502) 741-1129.
Louisville Community of Mindful Living meets at the League of Women Voters, 115 S. Ewing, Louisville, Ky. 40206 every Sunday from 10 am to noon. Every 5th Sunday in a month, there is an off-site Day of Mindfulness (DOM) from 10 am to 4:00 pm. Visit our website: SanghaLou.org. Contact: Jackie Thomas, 502-298-6477
Mindful Heart Buddha Sangha in Evansville, IN.
Insight Chicago Meditation Community: https://www.insightchicago.org/
Buddhist Websites
Dharma Seed
Dharma Seed freely offers a growing archive of talks and guided meditations by leading teachers of the vipassana (insight) and metta (loving-kindness) practices of Theravada Buddhism. Stream, download, or order CDs of talks given at IMS and other meditation retreat centers.
Sutta Readings
A selection of the Buddha’s Suttas, read aloud by senior teachers and practitioners in the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
Access to Insight
Access to Insight is a popular Theravada Buddhist website providing access to a huge collection of translated texts from the Tipitaka, as well as contemporary materials published by the Buddhist Publication Society and many teachers from the Thai Forest Tradition.